Second Spring offers clinical support for vaginal health, sexual function, and the menopausal transition. We offer mainstream and non-mainstream treatments including Cliovana™, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), Labiaplasty, and Vagilangelo®.

Sexual Dysfunction

There are many reasons why a woman might experience lessened feelings of arousal and sexual response. When it comes to overall physical and emotional wellbeing, satisfying sex is key at any age.

Decreased libido, difficulty achieving orgasm, painful sex



Cliovana™, Vagilangelo®, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

  • -The clitoris has about 8,000 nerve endings

    -Orgasms reduce stress, improve sleep, and lower risk of heart attack

    -60% of women aren’t satisfied with their sex life. 75% have “faked it” in bed

Menopausal Symptoms

The menopausal transition stems from a decrease in hormones in the body which can affect each woman differently. We're here to support you throughout this significant change.

Hot flashes, mood irritability, decreased sleep, vaginal dryness, brain fog


Individualized hormonal treatment, holistic treatment options, lifestyle modifications, referral to a network of providers offering holistic treatment options


  • We work with a variety of different alternative healers to help address each woman’s unique needs. Ask your doctor if you are interested in this holistic approach

Lichen Sclerosus

A chronic, inflammatory condition of the vulva.


Itching, burning, pain, scarring

Hormonal treatments, Steroid treatment, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)


  • How do I know if I have Lichen Sclerosus? It is likely that you have already been diagnosed with Lichen Sclerosus (LS) by your doctor. In addition to traditional treatments (hormones and steroids) we also offer PRP as a way to decrease the discomfort from LS.

    However, If you are experiencing these symptoms but are unsure if you have LS, we are happy to see you for a consultation.

Labial Hypertrophy

Labial hypertrophy is enlargement of the labia majora or labia minora. Although labial hypertrophy is not a pathologic condition, it can cause discomfort for some women.

Irritation, decreased ability to perform activities due to labial enlargement, dissatisfaction of appearance of labia


Labiaplasty of labia majora, labia minora, or both


  • We are happy to meet you for a consultation to further discuss your anatomy prior to making a decision regarding treatment.

Breast Cancer? Second Spring recognizes that most women with breast cancer are not able to use hormones for the many discomforts presented with menopause. Our cutting edge solutions for vaginal health and sexual function are non-hormonal options previously unavailable to most women in a clinical setting.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

Both men and women experience a natural decline in hormones as they age, leading to uncomfortable symptoms like weight gain, fatigue, mental fog, irritability, and a diminished libido. While maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen is crucial, it can all seem futile if you constantly battle exhaustion and depression, often associated with the aging process. Fortunately, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) offers a pathway to regain control over your physical and mental well-being. This article delves into the essence of HRT, its advantages, and its suitability for different individuals.

Understanding HRT:

Hormone Replacement Therapy is a holistic approach to counter the effects of aging. Our bodies perform countless internal functions, and hormones play a pivotal role in orchestrating these processes. As we age, maintaining healthy bones, muscle mass, and a vibrant libido can become increasingly challenging. HRT comes to the rescue by supplying the body with the necessary hormones to support its natural functions. Dr. Rachel Goodman, a renowned hormone expert, possesses a deep understanding of the intricate interplay between testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, thyroid hormones, and more. Dr. Goodman customizes treatment plans, carefully monitoring each patient's unique journey for the long term.

Benefits of Hormone Replacement:

Aging affects individuals uniquely, necessitating personalized approaches. The advantages of HRT are diverse, ranging from improved vitality to profound transformations:

  1. Enhanced Energy and Endurance: HRT can significantly boost energy levels and overall stamina.

  2. Sharper Mental Clarity and Focus: Patients often experience heightened cognitive function and mental acuity.

  3. Muscle Gain and Fat Reduction: HRT contributes to the development of lean muscle mass while reducing excess fat.

  4. Enhanced Mood: Anxiety, irritability, and depression may diminish with hormone therapy.

  5. Improved Sleep: Patients frequently report more restful sleep patterns.

  6. Revitalized Libido and Sexual Performance: HRT can reignite diminished sexual desire.

  7. Healthier Hair and Skin: Beneficial effects on hair and skin quality are commonly observed.

  8. Increased Bone Density: HRT helps maintain or enhance bone density.

  9. Menopausal Symptom Relief (for women): HRT can alleviate symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats.

  10. Overall Sense of Well-being: A general boost in physical and emotional wellness is often experienced.

HRT Candidacy:

Men and women encounter aging differently, with varying symptoms and needs:

Male Candidates may present symptoms such as thinning hair, dry skin, mood swings, weight gain, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, anxiety, depression, concentration difficulties, and a reduced libido.

Female Candidates might grapple with menopausal symptoms, bone density loss, anxiety, depression, hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, thinning hair, dry skin, vaginal dryness, decreased libido, and concentration challenges.

It's imperative to note that certain medical conditions, including blood clots, liver disease, breast cancer, or ovarian cancer, might disqualify individuals from undergoing hormone therapy. Dr. Goodman conducts personalized consultations to assess eligibility for HRT, ensuring tailored and optimal care for each patient.

In conclusion, Hormone Replacement Therapy represents a promising avenue for those seeking to reclaim their vitality and well-being as they age. Dr. Goodman and Second Spring offer individualized, expert care to empower individuals in regaining mastery over their bodies and minds. Don't allow age to restrict your pursuit of well-being; explore the possibilities of Hormone Replacement Therapy today.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

As a man, your masculinity lies in your virility. As you age, your strength, energy, libido and mental clarity may begin to decline, making you feel like a fraction of who you once were. Testosterone is the key male sex hormone that is responsible for keeping you young and vibrant. When you experience a decline in testosterone, you may experience a loss of who you once were. Gone are the days you feel like a shell of yourself. It’s time to turn back the hands of time and reclaim the vibrancy of your youth. 

Dr. Rachel Goodman is a certified FOY by AsandraMD practitioner. She understands the sensitive nature of your concerns as a man and can help you return to your strong and energized self. Dr. Goodman will make you comfortable working with as you become the recharged, rejuvenated, and revitalized person you are!  

About Testosterone Replacement Therapy 

As time passes, you may wake up one day and reminisce on the days of your youth. The transition from feeling youthful to actually feeling old may seem swift in your mind. In reality, the biological transition happens gradually. Testosterone Replacement Therapy is a regimen of specialized medications that increase hormone levels in the body. 

What Is Testosterone? 

Testosterone is a hormone produced in the body that begins to increase during puberty and begins to decline around age 30. Testosterone can affect bone density, muscle mass, mood, sex drive, and red blood cell development.  


There are a plethora of benefits you can realize with Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Many patients who undergo Testosterone Replacement Therapy report feeling like a different person compared to how they felt when they initially sought treatment. 

  • More Energy 

  • Increased Libido 

  • Enhanced Muscle Mass 

  • Better Mood 

  • Leaner Body 

  • Mental Clarity 

If you are ready to realize the benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy for yourself, contact Dr. Goodman to schedule your private consultation.  


Those looking to undergo Testosterone Replacement are men who have noticed a decline in the way they feel about their manhood. They may experience low sex drive, decreased stamina, significant weight gain or loss of muscle mass. They have decreased testosterone production, as determined by appropriate medical testing.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy is a revolutionary and natural approach to addressing persistent and frustrating health issues, utilizing the body's own resources. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Goodman is at the forefront of cutting-edge techniques aimed at revitalizing patients on a cellular level. Whether you're in Santa Fe, or beyond, Dr. Goodman is dedicated to helping you discover the benefits of PRP therapy. Virtual consultations are also available for those unable to visit in person.

What is PRP?

PRP, short for Platelet-Rich Plasma, is a concentrated serum derived from your own blood. Platelets, aptly named for their flat, round shape resembling dinner plates, are best known for their role in clotting. However, these platelets possess untapped potential beyond clotting. They communicate with each other through chemical signals, coordinating their functions like a team of first responders in your bloodstream, rushing to heal damaged or depleted tissues.

PRP Therapy:

Unlocking Your Body's Healing Power for with PRP: Through the isolation and utilization of platelets, Dr. Goodman effectively enhances sexual function for men and women. This groundbreaking, non-invasive therapy capitalizes on the body's innate healing abilities, powered by numerous growth factors found in platelet cells. The process entails drawing a vial of your blood, followed by centrifugation to separate the red blood cells and further concentrate the platelets. In PRP, the platelet concentration can reach as high as 94%, in contrast to the typical 6% in regular blood. This abundance of growth factors triggers and amplifies the essential physiological processes required for enhancing sexual function when administered to the targeted area. Dr. Goodman utilizes the potential of PRP specifically for sexual enhancement.

Benefits of PRP Therapy:

As previously mentioned, platelets serve as powerful communicators within the body, creating a network of healing. However, they are naturally localized where they are needed. Dr. Goodman liberates these platelets, amplifies their viability, and directs their potential to where they are most required. This comprehensive approach optimizes your body's innate healing ability. PRP therapy offers benefits that include:

  • Sexual Function Enhancement (for women): Enhances sexual function.

  • Erectile Dysfunction Treatment (for men): Addresses erectile dysfunction.

Eligible Candidates:

PRP therapy is an ideal option for individuals seeking rejuvenation without extensive medication. Eligible candidates have sufficient viable platelets in their blood to support the PRP process. Those dealing with anemia or current infections may need to address these issues before benefiting from platelet-rich plasma treatment.

In conclusion, PRP therapy offers a natural and transformative solution to persistent health concerns. Dr. Goodman at Second Spring is dedicated to helping patients harness the potential of their own bodies for healing and rejuvenation. Contact Second Spring in Santa Fe, New Mexico to explore the advantages of PRP therapy and embark on your journey to revitalization from within.


Cliovana™ - Empowering Women's Sexual Wellness

When it comes to overall physical and emotional well-being, a fulfilling sex life remains essential at any age. While the spotlight has often been on male sexual concerns, it's important to recognize that female sexual dysfunction and dissatisfaction are also significant issues. Fortunately, there's a solution for women, and it's called Cliovana™.

Cliovana™ offers everything you desire and nothing you want to avoid. It is an entirely non-invasive treatment with zero downtime, designed specifically to enhance the well-being of the clitoris. This is noteworthy because the clitoris is a unique organ dedicated solely to pleasure, yet its significance has often been overlooked.

With Cliovana™, women now have access to a straightforward and non-invasive method for increasing arousal levels and enhancing orgasm frequency and intensity. No lasers, scalpels, or needles are involved, which means no side effects and no recovery time.

  • Heightened Arousal and Improved Lubrication

  • Increased Orgasm Intensity and Frequency

  • Enhanced Overall Sexual Satisfaction

    Discover the transformative potential of Cliovana™, tailored to empower women's sexual well-being and satisfaction.

Cliovana™ employs soundwave treatment to enhance clitoral responsiveness, resulting in the following benefits:

Half of the Population. Just 30% of the Pleasure.

A considerable divide exists between women's desires in the realm of sexual satisfaction and what they experience. Recent studies reveal that a staggering 60% of women find themselves unsatisfied with their sex lives. In heterosexual encounters, while a remarkable 75% of men achieve orgasm consistently, only 33% of women can claim the same. It's high time to bridge this gap, and Cliovana is the solution.

Who Stands to Benefit? Every Woman, Plain and Simple.

Numerous factors can contribute to a woman's diminished arousal and sexual response. The fantastic news is that Cliovana can play a pivotal role in enhancing women's sexual well-being and helping them attain more intense and frequent orgasms.

  • What is Cliovana™?
    Cliovana™ uses technologies that have been effective for years in treating penile tissue, which has similar physiology and arousal mechanisms as the clitoris. This has given us a large foundation of knowledge on which to build a female-specific treatment methodology.

    Additionally, recent trial applications of Cliovana™ on women have proven consistently effective.

    How long does it take?
    Four sessions under 10 minutes each

    Two sessions in Week 1, additional two sessions in Week 2

    Effects are felt as early as the first session. They increase over three months, last a year or more, and can be extended with an annual revitalization treatment of two sessions.

    Learn More Here


Vagilangelo is a quick and easy in-office procedure performed to change the angle of the vagina during sex in order to achieve increased pleasure.

Who It’s For

This treatment is for any woman looking to increase the pleasure during sex. 

  • VAGILANGELO® Rejuvenation:

    If you are not enjoying sex as much as you used to due to vaginal laxity and do not want to have surgery and a full on vaginoplasty, Dr. Goodman is offering a procedure developed by Dr. Amir Marashi. Dr. Marashi has perfected a new minimally-invasive procedure, called VAGILANGELO®, that can solve your problems.

    The VAGILANGELO® procedure restores vaginal tightness by a few internal sutures under local anesthesia with minimal to no discomfort.

    The VAGILANGELO ® procedure requires little recovery time and involves virtually no pain. In roughly 2-3 weeks you and your partner will feel a completely different experience during intimacy as well as better orgasms.

    Visit Official Site

Frequently Asked Questions

  • There is minimal downtime for each procedure offered in the office. It can vary from no down time to 2 weeks, depending on the treatment.

  • While the treatments are not significantly painful, each person might experience different levels of sensitivity. This could vary based on timing of monthly cycle, existing pelvic floor issues or prior sexual trauma. It is important to be forthcoming with your doctor so that care can be taken to make each procedure is as comfortable as possible.

  • Depending on the treatment, the results can be immediate or take up to 3 months to fully realize the benefits.

  • Most procedures will take place in the office. Surgical treatment of labial hypertrophy will take place in the operating room under anesthesia.

  • Yes. It is common for multiple procedures to be performed at once to optimize the benefits of the treatments.